Friday, June 22, 2012

How (and how not to) discard your medication

I read in a pharmacy that people have been throwing out their prescription medication by flushing it down the toilet.  Not good! When many people do this, there are actually measurable amounts of medication in our drinking water. Not good!  I have even heard of a patient who threw his prescription pills out the window.  What if a dog ate it or a small child mistook it for candy?  The results could be tragic.  If you need to dispose of medication, you can mix the pills with coffee grounds and other household garbage; it's also good to crush the pills to destroy their shape/break the capsule so it's hard for someone else to take.  Throw this crushed pill/coffee ground/garbage mix in a plastic bag in the trash where it won't be accessible.  Tell your family and friends so they'll do the same!